S-PHP :- Bash script to switch php versions on linux.

Switch php versions on your linux

Using a Linux system with multiple PHP versions installed by apt? Now you may look for an easy way to switch between multiple PHP versions without executing multiple commands manually, Well we can use S-PHP for that.

How to install on Linux:-

Clone the S-PHP repository to your local machine using the command.

git clone https://github.com/vinugawade/s-php.git

Move the bash script file to /usr/local/bin location or use the command.

sudo mv `/location/of/file` /usr/local/bin

Allow everyone to execute the script using the command.

sudo chmod +x `/location/of/file`


sudo chmod 0755 `/location/of/file`

Add usr/local/bin to your $PATH. if you use the Bash shell, Then you can do this by using the command.

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin


export PATH=$PATH:`/location/of/file`

This will set the variable name:- potentially in a file called ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile. The difference between these files is (primarily) when they get read by the shell. If you're not sure where to put it, Then ~/.bashrc is a good choice.

Note:- You may need to restart your shell for this to take effect.

How to use the script:-

s-php 7.4


s-php 8.0

This will change your PHP execution file of the system as well as the apache server's PHP config to use a different version.

Mac User?

You can check this sphp repository as an alternative script for Mac OS.​

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